The AGnVET ‘Safety on the Farm’ Kids Art Competition aims to highlight the importance of farm safety and raise awareness of safety within the farming community.
We can all be safe when on a farm!
Having the AGnVET ‘Safety on the farm’ calendar displayed in the home, workplace or shed will help to highlight the importance of being safe on the farm and potential hazardous areas.
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7-9 Years
Be safe - Dont stand behind tractors
The AGnVET ‘Safety on the Farm’ Kids Art Competition aims to highlight the importance of farm safety and raise awareness of safety within the farming community.
We can all be safe when on a farm!
Having the AGnVET ‘Safety on the farm’ calendar displayed in the home, workplace or shed will help to highlight the importance of being safe on the farm and potential hazardous areas.
‘Safety on the Farm’
Create an artwork that shows how to be safe on a farm or highlights potential hazards in rural areas.
Be safe when you are on your farm.
It's important you don't play in or near water without a grown up watching. And never play in flood water.
Tractors & Farm Machinery
A judging panel will select the artworks that best meet the criteria and are suitable for publication in the AGnVET 2024 Calendar.
Prizes for the winning artworks that feature in the AGnVET ‘Safety on the Farm’ 2024 Calendar are as follows:
1 x First prize = $100 gift card + $80 prize pack – Artwork will feature on the cover of the calendar and be displayed on the AGnVET website.
12 x Second prizes = $50 gift card + $80 prize pack – Artwork will feature on one Month’s page in the calendar and be displayed on the AGnVET website.
160 x Highly Commended = Prize pack to the value of $80 – Artwork will be displayed on the AGnVET website.
Prize packs will be available for collection from the entrant’s nominated AGnVET branch after the 20th November 2023.
Certificate of Participation
All entries are will receive a personalised Certificate of Participation that can be downloaded after each entry has been submitted.

Entry criteria
- The 2024 AGnVET Calendar “Safety on the Farm’ art competition is open to all children in Australia aged 4-13 years. This includes external Australian territories.
- Age Categories: 4-6 years 7-9 years 10-13 years
- Entries must depict the theme ‘Safety on the Farm’.
- Artworks must be either a painting, drawing, or mixed media work such as a collage. Three-dimensional work, photographs, digitally created work and videos will not be accepted.
- Artworks can be made from any traditional media, including pastels, pen, pencil, charcoal, acrylics, watercolour, oils, mixed media, collage, or found materials.
- Artworks must be created solely by the child, and must be the child's original creation.
- Adults must not actively participate in creating the entry and may only provide encouragement to the entrant.
- Exact copies of pre-existing images, including by tracing or colouring in an outline created by another person will not be accepted
Key Dates
- Competition submissions are open from 12:00am 8th Sept 2023 until 11.59pm 10th October 2023.
- Entries uploaded after 11.59pm on 10th October will not be accepted.
- Winners will be notified by email on the 24th October 2023
- Winners will be announced on this website and on social media between 24th -25th October 2023
- The winners names, age and their winning entry will also be published on the AGnVET website.
- Calendars and prize packs will be available for collection in all our branches by mid November 2023.
Entry guidelines
- Individual artworks must be A4 in size, landscape in orientation and 2 dimensional.
- All artworks must be submitted online via the submit entry button on this website by an adult. Accept the terms and conditions which is required as part of the process of uploading an artwork.
- Artworks must be received in a digital format using the online submission form. Please assist your child/student to create a clear digital copy of their original artwork, by either scanning a copy or taking a photograph.
- To scan an artwork - ensure that the scanner is set to 300dpi and 100%. The required resolution for an A4-sized image is 2480 x 3508 pixels at 300 ppi (pixels per inch). Please save the image as a JPG or PDF file.
- To photograph an artwork - the best way to fully capture the artwork is to place it on the floor, stand over the top and photograph it straight down. Please ensure that the camera is set on the highest possible resolution. The required resolution for an A4-sized image is 2480 x 3508 pixels at 300 ppi (pixels per inch). Please save the image as a JPG file.
- All entries are judged based on the depiction of the theme, artistic merit, creativity, and visual impact.
The AGnVET judges will pick 13 of the best artworks from all eligible entries as well as 160 Highly Commended artworks.
All entries are judged based on:
- The clear depiction of a safety message
- Its strong visual impact by being colourful and bright!
- Artistic merit shown
- Creativity
The aim is to have four artworks from each age group be awarded as a winner, as well as one overall major prize winner from any one of the three age groups.
- 1 x Overall Winner (Calendar cover image and displayed on the website)
- 4 x winners 4-6 years (Calendar Month image and displayed on the website)
- 4 x winners 7-9 years (Calendar Month image and displayed on the website)
- 4 x winners 10-13 years (Calendar Month image and displayed on the website)
- 160 Highly Commended artworks – (displayed on the website as Highly Commended)